Monthly Archives: April 2013

thinknxt2Networking is an effective way to get your business’s name out to potential customers and get people interested in your products. Many business owners find it more effective than paid advertising. It allows you or a representative of your company to interact one-on-one with potential customers and other business owners. You can also network using social media or combine your social media strategy with face-to-face networking.

Making Networking Part of Your Social Media Strategy

Integrating the use of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or other social media sites along with your in-person networking can help your business grow more quickly and engage more people. Increase the number of followers and likes for your business’s social media pages by offering contests, special incentives or giveaways for people who like, follow or otherwise connect with your business using social media.

Networking through Social Media

Your business can also use social media platforms to network on the Internet. By posting interesting or educational content that people enjoy and can use, you’re more likely to gain new followers and get your content shared, which increases the visibility of your business. When posting content on social media platforms, keep the goal of going viral in mind. If your business’s content is boring or simply repeats information that’s already available all over the web, people won’t have any incentive to share it.

Don’t Just Make Contacts, Make Connections

Effective networking isn’t just about getting in contact with as many people as possible, it’s about touching people and being remembered. Whether your business connects with people in person or online, make sure to engage the people you connect with.


Guest Blog Post by Gerald Young, CEO TraDigital Communications

Guest Blog Post by Gerald Young, CEO TraDigital Communications

Guest Blog Post by Gerald Young, CEO, Life Coach Marketing Services

Social networks have become an important marketing platform and no company can afford to dismiss it. Businesses must pay close attention to the management of their social media presence in order to keep up with their competitors and expand their clientele. This is especially true when running FaceBook ads, as it can be difficult to stand out given the number of competing elements on the page. In order to maximize results, your ads must gain the public’s interest through the following techniques:

The titles are the most prominent part of the ads. They must be very sharp and catchy so as to draw people to read more. Use an intriguing statement or a thought-provoking question that is related to your niche. Show empathy to the reader to create an instant connection.

Establish trust and credibility at once with testimonials. If you have received positive feedback from clients, then ask their permission to post them on your page. Reading these stories and glowing reviews will boost your image with potential buyers and current clients alike. Post these every so often as status updates and encourage readers to share them with their friends. If the story has a heart-warming and emotional side to it, people are usually more than willing to pass it around.

FaceBook and other social networks are now at the forefront of online marketing. Using them well is a skill that takes some practice but can be quickly learned through diligent study. Advanced techniques may also be implemented in partnership with social media consulting firms.