In the age of digital marketing, social networking sites like LinkedIn have changed the rules of the game in a rather short span of time. Marketing professionals have also realized the potential of social networking to sell and meet targets. The focus is now on networking platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn that have proved to be more effective in boosting sales.
LinkedIn’s professional approach to social networking has helped it create an ecosystem for working professionals. With more than 187 million users in 2012, LinkedIn is a great place to find prospects and induce sales. To make the most of this networking platform, it is essential to have a social media strategy in place.
Here are some tips to use LinkedIn to research prospects and benefit from networking.
Screen the Profiles. Scanning a profile properly throws up interesting insights. You can find out about the person’s interests and preferences. You can even find if you went to the same school or worked for the same company once.
Read Recommendations. Reading recommendations posted on the prospect’s profile and the ones he/she has written for others gives a clear idea about the qualities he/she appreciates and possesses. If you are connected with people who have recommended the prospect or have been recommended by him/her, it can be easier for you to network.
Read Responses Your Prospect Has Written on LinkedIn Answers
There is a sidebar called Q&A on LinkedIn profiles that allows you to find what answers a user has left for different questions. You can even visit the Questions & Answers page to get more information.
With some start thinking and a good social media strategy, you can use LinkedIn to find prospects and set up even an appointment soon.