Sheryl Connelly, CEO, Marketing Media Management

Guest Blog Post By Sheryl Connelly, CEO, Marketing Media Management

In 2012, as many as 46% of those connecting to social media sites, access their accounts using handheld devices such as, smart phones and tablets.  What is the impact of these results on small business? Mobile devices seem to be more of a requirement than an option when looking to upgrade your presence within the social media realm, when more than 60% of smart phone users are accessing these accounts daily.

Clients of social media consulting firms are being advised to adopt the mobile social media channels of marketing and branding to catch up on this trend and move forward with the lead generation. To increase social media presence clients are encouraged to embrace both PC/desktop and mobile social media strategies. The challenge lies in collecting demographic data for the target market to convince business owners of the results.

Internet marketing channels are effective and affordable for small business owners to use for marketing and branding. To make the most out of target marketing, up to now online strategies have been geared towards the PC. Over the last several months, social media consulting firms are moving towards developing target marketing tactics for mobile social media outlets. The data is easily collectible  through mobile outlets and analytics tools, who have confirmed the average mobile social media user to be between 18 and 49 years old, with some college education and making $50,000 to $74,999 a year. This data needs to be broken down even more to show the direction of a marketing strategy for a small business. But as this initial demographic tends to fall within most business to consumer ideal target markets, the most obvious next step for these small businesses would be to step right into the mobile social media network.


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