According to a poll conducted by Time Magazine, over 50% of professionals who use social media marketing tactics to convert tough sales into easy sales offer free giveaways to entice their clients. According to the poll, strategies such as free initial consultations are a legitimate and effective tool of growing online sales for both small and large businesses alike.
The logic behind the use of free initial consultations in social media marketing, especially in the service industry, is that during the free consultation, the client will recognize that the professional offering the free service is actually highly competent and consequently, it makes the client more inclined to pay for the same service in the future.
One of the main reasons why this marketing tool effective is the fact that professionals who are savvy in social media tactics of marketing use the initial free consultations to identify clients’ urgent needs and/or problems. They use this information to formulate marketing messages that clients are more likely to be receptive to since they address their specific needs.
However, while using free initial consultations as part of their social media tactics of selling their services, sellers should be careful not to use initial consultation session to subject the client to a blatant sales pitch. Clients may perceive such actions as manipulative tactics and lose their interest in the services offered by the seller altogether.
Overall, the effectiveness of free initial consultations as a strategy of increasing sales depends on how different sellers execute the strategy. For great results, sellers who use this tactic should use the consultation to demonstrate their expertise and address the client’s concerns about the product/service.